Account Type******** *****Account Owner***** ******Account Opps/Deals*** ***Closed Won • Oct 24**K $Closed
***** ****Worked in execs roles at *** together from 2021-2024*** ********Worked in the same department at *** together from 2021-2024
Delft University Of TechnologyPHD CandidateJul 21 - PresentK S V Sanctus VirgiliusMember of Advisory BoardSep 17- Apr 21Imc TradingTrader AssistantDec 19- Mar 21
Jamie Maddox FisherTranscriptionistView Profile, jamie maddox-fisherCourtney MolesTranscriptionistView Profile, courtney molesEamtiaz Hossain EmonFreelance Video EditorView Profile, eamtiaz hossain emon