Account Type******** ***Account Owner******* ********Account Opps/Deals*** *****Closed Won • Oct 24***K $Closed
******* *****Worked in execs roles at *** together from 2021-2024******* ********Worked in the same department at *** together from 2021-2024
Munich ReDigital Marketing SpecialistOct 23 - PresentAllegoDigital Marketing ManagerJun 21- May 23Uprise PartnersDigital Advertising StrategistJan 21- May 21
Eric LiuGraphic Designer And Visual CommunicatorView Profile, eric liuDianca PouwMarketing En Communicatie Bij Spliethoff Group Big Lift ShippingView Profile, dianca pouwShayna SmithB 2 B Marketing CoordinatorView Profile, shayna smith