Account Type*** *******Account Owner****** ****Account Opps/Deals*** ****Closed Won • Oct 24****K $Closed
******* ****Worked in execs roles at *** together from 2021-2024******** ***Worked in the same department at *** together from 2021-2024
Eudemonia SummitFounder & CEODec 23 - PresentWanderlustCo-Founder & CEOApr 08- Oct 23Skadden Arps Slate Meagher Flom Llp And AffiliatesAssociateJun 97- Apr 99
Jon FlynnCOOView Profile, jon flynnMichal ZilberbergCEO FounderView Profile, michal zilberbergAlex GreenCo Founder CEOView Profile, alex green