Account Type******* *******Account Owner***** ******Account Opps/Deals******* ***Closed Won • Oct 24****K $Closed
*** ***Worked in execs roles at *** together from 2021-2024****** ******Worked in the same department at *** together from 2021-2024
Bretts Trade Timber And HardwareGroup Financial ControllerJul 15 - PresentAccentureSenior Accounting AssociateJan 13- Jun 13Infosys BpmAccounting AssociateAug 11- Sep 12
Ala AbusleemAccounting ManagerView Profile, ala abusleemShah Kamran SarmastAssociate Director Accounts And FinanceView Profile, shah kamran sarmastTiffany WuMarketing Finance ManagerView Profile, tiffany wu