Account Type******* ***Account Owner******** ******Account Opps/Deals******** ********Closed Won • Oct 24****K $Closed
**** ********Worked in execs roles at *** together from 2021-2024****** ****Worked in the same department at *** together from 2021-2024
DeviarkIT Recruiter/HR GeneralistAug 23 - PresentEveradRecruiterMar 23- Jul 23Codemotion NinjasTechnical Talent Acquisition SpecialistDec 21- Feb 23
Gill MclearnonSenior HR Interim And HR ConsultantView Profile, gill mclearnonBrad StewartAssociate Executive Compensation ERISAView Profile, brad stewartPaul McnairTalent Acquisition SpecialistView Profile, paul mcnair