Account Type******* *******Account Owner******** ******Account Opps/Deals**** ******Closed Won • Oct 24**K $Closed
*** *****Worked in execs roles at *** together from 2021-2024***** *****Worked in the same department at *** together from 2021-2024
The Chronicle Of Higher EducationSenior Account and Marketing ManagerMar 20 - PresentInto George Mason UniversityMarketing and Communications ManagerFeb 17- Feb 20Gannett Usa Today NetworkSocial Media & Marketing CoordinatorJun 11- Jun 13
Kathy KwanMarketing Communications ManagerView Profile, kathy kwanMichelle AgroskinProduct Marketing ManagerView Profile, michelle agroskinDavid PoggenseeOwnerView Profile, david poggensee