Account Type*** ******Account Owner**** *****Account Opps/Deals******** *****Closed Won • Oct 24****K $Closed
**** ***Worked in execs roles at *** together from 2021-2024******* *******Worked in the same department at *** together from 2021-2024
Solera Holdings LlcChairwoman of Executive Sustainability Committee, CAOJun 20 - PresentVista Equity PartnersManaging Director, TalentFeb 19 - PresentAchieve PartnersAdvisory Board MemberFeb 19 - Present
Ariel ZibzinerVice President Business ServicesView Profile, ariel zibzinerRick LaurenzoFounderView Profile, rick laurenzoMeira Schulman FerzigerShareholderView Profile, meira schulman ferziger