Account Type******* ******Account Owner*** *******Account Opps/Deals***** ***Closed Won • Oct 24***K $Closed
**** *******Worked in execs roles at *** together from 2021-2024**** *******Worked in the same department at *** together from 2021-2024
AdpVice President, Internal CommunicationsSep 13 - PresentWmManager, Social MediaJun 11- Feb 13Talent Connections LlcSenior Talent Consultant (Human Resources and Recruiting)Nov 06- Aug 09
Nancy LanisVP And Chief Compliance OfficerView Profile, nancy lanisStefanie Kruse CurleyPresident DTCView Profile, stefanie kruse curleyBrian OndrePresident On Highway Segment ★ Established CX Framework Consolidated OpsView Profile, brian ondre