Account Type*** ******Account Owner***** ***Account Opps/Deals******* *****Closed Won • Oct 24***K $Closed
***** ********Worked in execs roles at *** together from 2021-2024**** ****Worked in the same department at *** together from 2021-2024
ExlEuropean HR DirectorOct 18 - PresentCgiHR DirectorAug 12- Sep 18LogicaDivisional Head of HRMay 11- Aug 12
Adi Levin LeibikerTalent Acquisition HR OpsView Profile, adi levin leibikerHenrik Tonsberg LokkeLearning And Development ManagerView Profile, henrik tonsberg løkkeScott DonaldsonGeneral Manager Performance Reward Workplace RelationsView Profile, scott donaldson