Account Type******* ******Account Owner**** ****Account Opps/Deals******* ******Closed Won • Oct 24***K $Closed
**** ******Worked in execs roles at *** together from 2021-2024***** ***Worked in the same department at *** together from 2021-2024
ServicepowerCEOApr 18 - PresentQlikVice PresidentMar 15- Jan 17Appfluent TechnologyCEO & Co-FounderAug 04- Mar 15
Roey IzkovskyCo Founder CTO And GrowthView Profile, roey izkovskyKevin AlsterdaFounder Ceo At Upmerch I Help Companies Solve Their Merch Needs With Tech SolutionsView Profile, kevin alsterdaJonathan BrunCEOView Profile, jonathan brun