Account Type******* *******Account Owner*** ********Account Opps/Deals**** ****Closed Won • Oct 24****K $Closed
***** ****Worked in execs roles at *** together from 2021-2024***** *******Worked in the same department at *** together from 2021-2024
Coca Cola HbcMember Board of DirectorsJun 23 - PresentThe Coca Cola CompanyPresident Global VenturesJul 04 - PresentCoca Cola Beverages AfricaMember Board of DirectorsMar 21- Apr 23
David LechleitnerFounder And PresidentView Profile, david lechleitnerGaurav SareenCorporate Vice President Global Experiences And PlatformView Profile, gaurav sareenFlorian ReichertPartner Managing DirectorView Profile, florian reichert