Account Type***** *****Account Owner******* ******Account Opps/Deals******** ***Closed Won • Oct 24***K $Closed
*** ******Worked in execs roles at *** together from 2021-2024**** ****Worked in the same department at *** together from 2021-2024
Transpecos Banks SsbPresident, SYNDEO a division of TransPecos BanksJan 24 - PresentFull Skope LlcCEOMar 20 - PresentChoice Hotels InternationalVice President of Commercial Operations (Sales & Marketing, Customer Success, Business Operations)Jul 13- Mar 20
Mansour ChattiCEO FounderView Profile, mansour chattiYasir BugraraCo Founder CEOView Profile, yasir bugraraMagdalena JurewiczMember Of The Management BoardView Profile, magdalena jurewicz