Account Type****** ******Account Owner******* ****Account Opps/Deals*** ****Closed Won • Oct 24**K $Closed
****** ******Worked in execs roles at *** together from 2021-2024******** ***Worked in the same department at *** together from 2021-2024
Connetic VenturesCo-Founder, Investor Relations, & CFOJan 15 - PresentWendalCo-Founder Wendal & CFOJan 19 - PresentQueen City AngelsInvestor MemberJan 16 - Present
Sheila MurrayChief Financial OfficerView Profile, sheila murrayDante AndradeDirector Of Acquisitions Multifamily Asset Manager Real Estate InvestorView Profile, dante andradePatty GerayVP Accounting OperationsView Profile, patty geray