Account Type******* *******Account Owner**** *****Account Opps/Deals******* ********Closed Won • Oct 24**K $Closed
**** *****Worked in execs roles at *** together from 2021-2024****** ***Worked in the same department at *** together from 2021-2024
NsfSenior Marketing Specialist, Food - North AmericaJan 24 - PresentTruenorthDigital Marketing SpecialistJan 23- Nov 23NsfSenior Marketing Specialist, Customer ExperienceJan 19- Nov 22
Natalie OheirAffiliate ManagerView Profile, natalie o'heirHilary DoubledayDonor Relations And EngagementView Profile, hilary doubledayPeter CayerVideo Producer Cross Platform InitiativesView Profile, peter cayer